Tuesday, November 14, 2006

GNS Theory and Planning a Game

Just started reading through Ron Edwards "GNS and Other Matters of Roleplaying Theory" article on Indie-Rpgs. Im going to make some random thoughts here about it.

When advertising a game to canvas players it is a good idea to make clear the premise of the game. That way everyone is quite clear. I like the distinction Ron makes between Genre and Premise.

Considering that I go ahead with the Eberron game here is the Premise as broken down into Ron's catergories of Premise

  • Character: The basic premise will be that the characters are a group of Investigators maybe in a detective agency or something like that.

  • System: Core D&D with added Eberron crunch - I plan to keep rules as written fairly closely.

  • Setting: Set in Sharn the City of Towers - I'm aiming for basically a 1920s level of tech except without firearms. If I find rules for archaic firearms I might grab them too.

  • Situation: The characters will be pitted against the agents of darkness (Cults of the Dragon Below in various guises) Most antangonists will be humanoid cultists and their pets. I will try to use the aberrations sparingly to keep their impact greater.

  • Colour: Sharn will be gritty and dark. It will be constantly raining and most adventures will take place at night. Imagine a figure cloaked in partial darkness drawing back deeply on a hand rolled cigarette

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