Monday, November 27, 2006

The End of a Chapter

On Sunday I drew my current Arcana Evolved game to a close. My intention from this game was to ignite conflict between the Giants and the Dragons of that setting. However the torch I used I only lit I stopped short at lighting the fire. I did this deliberately to have what happened next undefined, let people think of their own endings. Hopefully one of the players may be inspired to explore this conflict by running their own game. Here is what happened.

The game mainly took place in Serathis(detailed in Ruins of Intrigue). The group had recovered an ancient powerful artifact called a Tenebrian Seed. The Dragons had many millenia ago used them to create the Dramojh a twisted nightmare fusion of Demon and Dragon. This particular Tenebrian Seed was used to create the first Dramojh with the Black Cyst located in Serathis. It was the first generation of Dramojh who created Serathis. As you can imagine everyone cant trust each other to possess the Seed so conflict is inevitable.

The culmination ended with a cult who claimed they wanted to destroy the Seed and the Black Cyst to prevent the Dramojh being recreated, A leader of the Giants in Serathis who wants to study the Cyst to further her own research, party members who want it destroyed, party members who think it could empower humankind to take control of the Lands of the Diamond Throne and who knows what else.

I can think of a number of different agendas beyond those above to do with this artifact and I am keen to explore them in play. This is however an experiment to empower all members of a gaming group to have a say in the plot and story beyond that of myself as the original GM.

Lets see what happens, if anything at all.

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