Monday, January 08, 2007

Me Want!

Just to remind myself these are the RPGs I would like to purchase - The list isn't exhaustive.

I can only afford one at the moment which will it be?

Spirit of the Century
Dont Rest Your Head
Burning Wheel
Dogs in the Vineyard

At the moment I am favouring Spirit of the Century and Lacuna Pt 1, but then i just said i can only afford one.

I hope there is one of these at Cancon as I am allowed one thing from Cancon and one thing from indiepressrevolution.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ars Magica Magi Herbal Highs

My character in Andy's game is going to be a crazed hippy Merinita who uses psychedelic herbs to help fuel his magic. Here is some info i lifted from Erowid

Native European Drugs

Belladonna is a 1-2 meter tall perennial herb that produces small red to black berries. These berries contain atropine, scopolomine and hyoscyamine and have a long history of use as a medicinal, poisonous, and ceremonial herb.

Ergot is a fungus that infects cereal grains, replacing kernels of the fruit with small black masses of mycelium. It produces ergotamine, a potent vasoconstrictor and precursor to LSD. Ergot poisoning (St Anthony's Fire) causes hallucinations, gangrenous loss of limbs, and death. Outbreaks plagued medieval Europe and were associated with witchcraft and the Inquisition.

Henbane is a biennial herb growing up to 1 meter that produces veined yellow flowers and large quantities of seeds. All parts of the plant contain scopolamine, atropine, and hyoscyamine and can be deadly poisonous.

Mandrake is a low perennial herb growing up to 30 cm high with yellow berries. It grows from a thick forked root which is known for sometimes resembling a human form. All parts of the plant contain hyoscyamine and scopolamine and can easily cause death by respiratory paralysis. It has a long history of medicinal and magical use in Europe.

Wormwood is a silvery-green perennial herb growing up to 1.5 meters tall which contains the volatile oil thujone. It is added to distilled ethanol to create absinthe. Its effects alone are not well understood.

Middle Eastern Drugs

These are here because I think they would be available just not easily obtained.

Cannabis, a fast-growing bushy annual with dense sticky flowers, produces the psychoactive THC. It is the most widely used illegal psychoactive and has a long history of medicinal, recreational, and industrial use. The fibrous stalks of the plant are used to produce clothing and rope.

Syrian Rue is a perennial shrub with fleshy spikey-looking leaves, growing up to 1 meter tall. Its small, brown seeds contains harmine and other harmala alkaloids. It is one of the plants speculated to be the Soma or Haoma of ancient Persia.

Opium Poppy is a annual that with brilliant white or red flowers growing on a central bulbous pod. When scratched, the pod produces a milkly latex called opium. This latex contains a variety of opiates including codeine and morphine. It has a long history of use in Asia and Europe.